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[Windows MobileRead and Write Text Files in WinCE

Description: Read and Write Text Files in WinCE
Platform: | Size: 4812 | Author: 刘云 | Hits:

[Other resourceTextDemo

Description: WinCE下文本及背景显示-under WinCE text and background display
Platform: | Size: 15822 | Author: lzlvmy | Hits:

[Windows MobileRead and Write Text Files in WinCE

Description: Read and Write Text Files in WinCE
Platform: | Size: 4096 | Author: 刘云 | Hits:

[Windows CETextDemo

Description: WinCE下文本及背景显示-under WinCE text and background display
Platform: | Size: 15360 | Author: lzlvmy | Hits:

[Speech/Voice recognition/combineTTS读文本文件

Description: 利用Windows 系统中的语音系统发声,用户打开文本文件,将整个文件读出来。-use of the Windows operating system audible voice, the user opens a text file, the entire file read out.
Platform: | Size: 305152 | Author: 郭佰胜 | Hits:

[Graph Drawing点与多边形包含

Description: 点与多边形 包 含的算法。文本文档,算法可靠新颖,非常好用,非常实用,完全用c语言实现,真是非常的好,可以用来教学(正是我要找的东西,哈哈..站长)-points and polygons included in the algorithm. Text documents novel algorithm reliable, very good, very practical, complete with c language, is really very good, can be used for teaching (which I find things, ha ha .. head)
Platform: | Size: 3072 | Author: 王大 | Hits:

[Button controlBitmapButton_new

Description: Wince下 EVC4.0编写的,将网上原有的图形按钮CButtonST再加以完善,增加可以直接使用BMP位图,而不是只有Icon.并且,按钮文字可以自动设置左右排列或上下排列方式。-under preparation, the Internet's original graphic buttons CButtonST perfect addition to increase the direct use of bitmap BMP, not only Icon. Furthermore, the button text can be automatically installed with or around next sequence.
Platform: | Size: 62464 | Author: 何杰 | Hits:

[Windows MobileRDSTerminal

Description: 如何在 Windows Mobile (WinCE 5.0) 中用Vc++编程查找并连接周围的蓝牙(Bluetooth)设备并实现数据通信。 文章地址:http://www.vckbase.com/document/viewdoc/?id=1779 你可以任意修改复制本代码,但请保留这段文字不要修改。 希望我能为中国的软件行业尽一份薄力! ◆◆◆ 作者 ◆◆◆ 谢红伟 · chrys · chrys@163.com · http://www.howa.com.cn-How to Windows Mobile (WinCE 5.0) using Vc++ Programming search and connect around the Bluetooth (Bluetooth) and to realize data communication equipment. Article addresses: http://www.vckbase.com/document/viewdoc/?id=1779 you can modify a copy of the code, but please keep this text do not modify. Hopefully, I can for China
Platform: | Size: 148480 | Author: 谢红伟 | Hits:


Description: 利用EVC编写一个可运行于Wince5.0的应用程序,该应用程序利用S3C2410微控制器的SD/MMC卡驱动,在SC/MMC卡上创建一个文本文件,并往文件里添加文字,再读出来校验。-The use of EVC in the preparation of a run Wince5.0 applications, the application S3C2410 microcontroller using SD/MMC card driver, in the SC/MMC card to create a text file, and add to the document text, read out Check.
Platform: | Size: 45056 | Author: 杜一 | Hits:

[File OperateTest

Description: WinCE 下中文文本保存,UNICODE->ANSI-WinCE preserved under the Chinese text, UNICODE-> ANSI
Platform: | Size: 1472512 | Author: lxg | Hits:

[Windows CETextMove

Description: WinCE下文字滚动的实例,用EVC打开。特点是刷新比较快,滚动平滑。-Under WinCE rolling text examples, using EVC open. Characterized by relatively fast refresh, smooth rolling.
Platform: | Size: 29696 | Author: norains | Hits:

[Windows CETextDemo_CE_OK

Description: WINCE 6 , TEXT EXAMPLE, VS2005
Platform: | Size: 851968 | Author: 林如严 | Hits:

[Windows CEReadTxt

Description: Wince 下的文本阅读器的源代码,支持TXT文本文件格式,适合PMP下的电子书阅读器.-Wince text reader source code, support TXT text file format, suitable for under PMP eBook reader.
Platform: | Size: 82944 | Author: xu | Hits:


Description: 通过手机短消息来协调会议等,C#代码,WINCE 5.0 SDK 编译通过 -Via cell phone text messages to coordinate meetings, C# Code, WINCE 5.0 SDK compiler through
Platform: | Size: 39936 | Author: Loice | Hits:

[Windows CEwincespeech01

Description: Embedded Windows CE SAPI 5.0 Developers Kit is an embedded speech recognition, or speech-to-text circuit solution, for development of speech recognition system at the electronics level. 一款很好的英文嵌入式语音识别系统,基于winCE的,欢迎试用!-Embedded Windows CE SAPI 5.0 Developers Kit is an embedded speech recognition, or speech-to-text circuit solution, for development of speech recognition system at the electronics level. A very good English embedded speech recognition system, based on WinCE, and welcome Trial!
Platform: | Size: 1992704 | Author: Jackey | Hits:

[Windows CEVideoTest2

Description: 演示wince 下如何使用mediaplay 控件播放媒体文件. 程序中还演示了如何解析文本文件-Wince demo of how to use controls to play media files mediaplay. Proceedings also demonstrates how to resolve text file
Platform: | Size: 1615872 | Author: ch | Hits:

[Windows Developtts

Description: 将文本用语音方式读出,就是TTS,支持中英文混读,封装成了DLL,傻瓜试调用,就是简单!请看开发包内说明-The text read out by means of voice that TTS, in support of mixed Chinese and English read, packaging has become a DLL, try calling a fool, that is simple! Please note the development of packet
Platform: | Size: 53248 | Author: hahbhc | Hits:

[Windows CENotepad

Description: 在EVC下的记事本程序,输入法为自己写的拼音输入法,程序速度不是很快。支持文件列表功能,支持新建,打开,保存,删除文件。支持文本读取,支持换行翻页功能。-In the EVC of the Notepad program, the input method for their own writing Pinyin input method, the program speed is not fast. List of features supporting documents to support the new, open, save, delete files. Support for text reading, support functions wrapped page.
Platform: | Size: 6876160 | Author: 刘林涛 | Hits:

[Windows CEprss

Description: wince c++ 下 开发的 rss 阅读器源代码,在google 的svn上荡的,大家研究一下-wince c under development rss reader source code, in the google s svn on the swing, and we look
Platform: | Size: 1818624 | Author: 吴宪 | Hits:

[Windows CEwince

Description: 周立功2410实验箱上的高级实验:GPIO、GPRS电话、短信等-Zhou, who advanced on the 2410 experimental box experiment: GPIO, GPRS phones, text messaging, etc.
Platform: | Size: 9098240 | Author: joan | Hits:
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